So, remember how I said 2 days ago I was gonna post a better thing for Halloween? Well, I ended up getting busy with stuff soooooo yeah no (sadge). I'm just gonna get straight to the point and get an update out as to what I've been doing.
(If you're interested into the many things I've done over October then take a listen, if not skip to the next paragraph)
So, like- drawing takes a while lol. If I had all the free time in the world, then I would have this comic out by now, but I've been pretty pre-occupied. October had a lot going on, the end of my X-Country season, Halloween (I had an AWESOME costume btw that I might post about eventually), and College applications!!! Not to mention I was starting to slip up in my grades, thankfully I fixed that before it could get worse so I'm still in the 90s. Also, did you know that this comic is like- WAY LONGER THAN THE PREVIOUS?? not like it's gonna matter since so little people are gonna see it, but I guarantee it's gonna be really cool. (The previous was 3 scanned pages front and back except the last, currently I'm at my 5th page and I'm about halfway done so HOOOH).
Anyways, enough with the excuses- time for some honesty! I really have not worked on this comic at home. I only really work on it during my study hall time at school, in which I tend to get 2 panels done. But even then, I haven't been working on it at all recently. I can't promise you anything right now, but I can promise you I should have all the panels drawn before next year. Scanned onto my pc and edited? Probably not. I'll be posting other stuff until then though. Hopefully you'll like it!
That's it for now, thanks for sticking around if you're still here.